Statistics & Research about Rochester,NY - Manor Insurance Services Inc

Here are some statistics & research about Rochester,NY an area served by Manor Insurance Services Inc

Phone : 585-643-2140

Real estate research for area nearby Manor Insurance Services Inc

Place Home value($) Median Rent($) Rental yield($)
Wadsworth 113800 NA NA
Henrietta 135,500 897 7.9
Elba 114,200 861 9.0
Fowlerville 121800 NA NA
Piffard 113600 NA NA
Farmington 133,200 984 8.9
Shortsville 103,100 625 7.3
Livonia Center 105,200 1229 14.0
Brighton 169,700 899 6.4
West Bloomfield 117,200 625 6.4

Number of two bedroom houses in places near by Manor Insurance Services Inc

Place name Number of two bedroom houses
Wadsworth 32
Henrietta 2895
Elba 198
Piffard 41
Farmington 1153
Shortsville 123
Livonia Center 13
Brighton 5107
West Bloomfield 272
Palmyra 1126
Penfield 2913
Rush 196
Conesus Lake 793
Honeoye Falls 382

Number of one bedroom houses in places near by Manor Insurance Services Inc

Place name Number of one bedroom hoses
Henrietta 1479
Elba 30
Farmington 131
Shortsville 64
Livonia Center 13
Brighton 3181
West Bloomfield 64
Palmyra 383
Penfield 1050
Rush 12
Conesus Lake 106
Honeoye Falls 221

Number of vacant houses in places near by Manor Insurance Services Inc

Place name Number of vacant houses
Henrietta 645
Elba 28
Piffard 32
Farmington 214
Shortsville 40
Brighton 1303
West Bloomfield 70
Palmyra 236
Penfield 759
Rush 48
Conesus Lake 555
Honeoye Falls 99

Number of 20 Year old houses in places near by Manor Insurance Services Inc

Place name Number of 20 year old houses
Henrietta 171700
Elba 132500
Farmington 111500
Shortsville 29200
Brighton 165800
West Bloomfield 185400
Palmyra 144800
Penfield 258100
Rush 262100
Conesus Lake 136100
Honeoye Falls 273200